Event summaries, slides and recordings

Breakfast Briefing with Kelly Beaver, Chief Executive, Ipsos UK & Ireland

Author WIG Date 11 Oct 2022

We were delighted to be joined by Kelly as she shared insights from Ipsos on evolving societal trends and public opinion.


Economic growth and prosperity

In the era where social media, 24-hour news coverage and self-proclaimed experts dominate the conversation, understanding public opinion and evolving societal trends is no easy task. WIG was delighted to welcome the new Chief Executive of Ipsos to provide you with a ‘state of the union’ on the key societal trends and insight into public opinion from one of the UK’s leading polling and data companies.

Catch up on the event recording to gain a unique insight from Kelly Beaver and:

  • Get insight into what the data is telling us about key issues and challenges facing the UK public, and what it means for the public, private and not-for-profit sectors alike
  • Get an understanding of public perception and how it relates to key institutions. How do the Great British Public feel about the organisations you represent?
  • Learn what the market research is telling us about the future trends and challenges that will be a focus across the sectors

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To access this resource you must be a WIG member and logged in to our website. 

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Speakers at the Event

Kelly Beaver is Chief Executive of Ipsos in the UK. She has been with Ipsos for over a decade and was previously Managing Director of Ipsos’s UK Public Affairs division which supports government clients to monitor and understand public opinion, behaviours and societal trends, design public services and policies, and to determine what works in achieving social and economic policy objectives.

Kelly has led a wide range of notable research programmes including the REACT study tracking Covid-19 prevalence across England, public attitudes work ranging from the use of evidence, Brexit and vaccines, through to a key piece of work with the Royal Foundation on the importance of the Early Years. Prior to joining Ipsos, Kelly held roles across various consultancies including PwC and KPMG and specialised in public policy evaluation.

Kelly holds several honorary positions external to Ipsos in academia and charities. She is passionate about the use of evidence in decision-making and her roles outside of Ipsos enable her to make a wider contribution to the social sciences discipline in promoting its use.
